Monday, February 25, 2013

GGR013 NIPOE Show - Races Red Sun (Pilot)

Welcome to the first ever episode of NIPOE the show. Enjoy

Twitter: @NIPOEShow

Scarcasm 5

  1. Sony
  2. Devil’s atturney
  3. Rock Band Beatles
  4. Journey
  5. Playing: Need for Speed, 2K13


  1. Walmart Sterotyping
  2. Superman Red Son
  3. John Carter
  4. New Laptop
  5. Playing Madden 13

Review/Game picked

  1. Spec Ops
  2. Assassin’s Creed
  3. Medal of Honor
  4. Skyrim

Games for the Poll
Dead Space 2
Fable 2
Alan Wake
Portal 2
Condemned 2

Game of the Show

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